Connect a Dock

Connect-A-Dock Benefits
Adjusts to fluctuating water conditions
Modular design
Easy to install
Wood grain anti-skid surface
UV protected
Environmentally friendly
Does not contain CCA
Add-on capability
Salt water safe
8-Year product warranty
The Connect-A-Dock System is as varied and versatile as the waterways to which it provides access.
From commercial functions to personal recreations uses, our modular designs and easy-to-use storage and launching components allow you to create the ideal dock for your needs and environment.
You can even add to your dock later should your needs change.
Many of the Connect-A-Dock accessories can also be used for traditional wooden docks as well.
Connect A Dock provides a drive on jet ski port to fit your docking needs for a floating drive on dock. We have them available for shipment anywhere in the continental US!

We stock several Connect-A-Ports and dock sections at any one time and can usually deliver in less than one week from your order.Call us for more information or to schedule a site visit or install.
Connect-A-Dock carries many different sizes of dock sections for your floating dock needs. Contact us for a site visit or a FREE estimate today.
Connect A Dock poly dock sections are perfect for a do it yourself, self install customer to handle in less than one day. Want to build a floating dock yourself? This is your answer! We also have professional installation available supervised by company crew managers.
Its modular design means that the system may be set up in an infinite number of configurations and may be quickly and easily reshaped or expanded to meet new requirements.
Connect A Dock Anchoring
Anchor to any dock, floating or stationary
A wide variety of anchoring hardware is available to use Connect a Port with the complete Connect A Dock system, or other types of docks.
Anchor Connect A Port to ordinary floating docks with our hinge kit
Anchor to a stationary pier with a pair of pipe brackets and stand-off brackets
Floating Dock Applications
The most stable floating dock configurations have a “T” or “L” layout or have fingers jutting from the sides.
Floating Docks are the perfect solution is you have a site with deep water, significant water fluctuation or where the bottom is too mucky for wheeled docks or standing docks. If your site is exposed to heavy waves or boat wakes, a “U” shaped floating dock is the best choice. Anchoring is done through poles, cables, stiff arms, ramps, or sea anchors in many different combinations.